Car Wash Tracker App – Track and manage car wash status
Retail Pro – Mobile App
Retail Pro is a useful mobile app for business users to view and act immediately on their business needs. Retail Pro helps you to operate intuitively and provides instant operational business status. App supports multi users, multilingual mode and operates on text or voice inputs.
Simple and easy way to take your business from manual operations to digital transactions.
A mobile app developed from ground up for a specific local requirement.
A car washing vendor who deploys labourers in residential apartment complexes was facing a unique problem of demonstrating the customers that their cars are washed on a regular basis.When the vendor approached HegdeSuvidha, we developed the “Car Wash Tracker App” to meet the needs.
App helps vendor to onboard customers to register their cars, onboard labourers, assign labourers to cars, track/monitor the washing status in realtime and update customers.